Kaya Behkalam, Unknowing and it's consequences, 2012. (Rescension of the text “Un-knowing and Its Consequences” by Georges Bataille, 1951.)

Kaya Behkalam, The Negotiation, 2010. (38 min, Color & B/W, Sound, HDV)
Kaya Behkalam, I Once Fell In Love With Myself Being Somewhere Else, 2010. (Series of Photography Collages , 15 x 10 cm.)
Kaya Behkalam, Excursions in the Dark, 2011. (HD Video, b/w, 20 min.)

Kaya Behkalam, Anything else in view but this present time, 2009. (Installation, 8 wipers and motors, cables, convertor, motion detector.)