Sommerakademie 2010

Bild David Aebi
Bild David Aebi

When your Lips are my Ears, our Bodies become Radios
August 10 - 19, 2010

The Sommerakademie 2010 focused practically as well as philosophically on the following question: how does a group develop a form of art production that is based neither on opposites like individual or collective production, nor on the conventional separation between spaces of production, presentation and collection. The main partner of the Sommerakademie was the Zentrum Paul Klee, and in addition the Grand Palais and the Kunsthalle Bern in the centre of town.

The Greeks went to the Stoa to share thoughts, uninhibited by protocol. The Stoa can be a park in front of the house or just outside the city. In this space neither the laws of the household, the Oikos, nor those of the market, the Agora, fully apply.
The Sommerakademie 2010 tried, by introducing the open concept of the Stoa, to avoid any ideological determination. In three media formats - newspapers, radio, posters - a daily statement has been formulated. In the evenings the public was invited to a number of lectures in the Kunsthalle.