Exhibition at the Wyssloch
M. Höpfner, J.Burckhardt Director Sommerakademie, H. Morrison E. Fredericksen
I. Korina, J. Burckhardt Director Sommerakademie, H. Lagger, St. Christ, P. Rosenkranz, Ph. Van Wolputte, in the exhibition
R. Stark, I. Korina, Dr. J. Steiner Director Zentrum Paul Klee, C. Deliss Curator, i  the exhibition
Charlie Tweed "The man from below", in the Exhibition at Wyssloch
Fellows discussing
C. Deliss Curator, J.-C. Nobili President Sommerakademie, Martin Kimani Speaker
J.-C. Nobili, President Sommerakademie, talking to R. Stark and A. Koschkarow
B. Bischoff, A. Fiedler, P. Kappeler, J. Burckhardt, G. Carmine
Pamela Rosenkranz and Aaron Flint Jamison
Fellows, Discussion in the barn at Wyssloch
Martin Kimani, Joe Scanlan, Joanna Nowotny at the Wyssloch
Lecture by Robert Stark, Exhibition at Wyssloch
Lecture by Michael Höpfner, near the Exhibition at Wyssloch
Lecture by Martin Kimani, Progr
Lecture by Martin Kimani, Progr
Discussion, Kunsthalle Bern
Neue Kunst Halle St. Gallen, Guided Tour by G. Carmine, Director
Fellows P. Rosenkranz, A. Moss, I. Korina
Ausflug in die Bunkeranlagen von "Artillerie-Fort Magletsch" in der Nähe von Sargans, geleitet von G. Carmine
Excursion to the shelters of "Artillery Fort Magletsch" near Sargans, led by G. Carmine, Director Neue Kunst Halle St. Gallen
Excursion, Lucy Pawlak at the phone, in the Shelter of "Artillerie-Fort Magletsch"
Alexej Koschkarow with a nosebag, in the shelter "Artillerie-Fort Magletsch" near Sargans
Grill Party at the shelter "Artillerie-Fort Magletsch", near Sargans
Nominator`s Day
Nominator`s Day: J.-C. Nobili President Sommerakademie, C. Deliss Curator, Max Haselbach, Cantonal Bank of Berne BEKB
Nominator`s Day: S.Vitali, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft; Daniel Bauman, artist; Dr. J. Steiner, Director Zentrum Paul Klee; G. Carmine Director Neue Kunst Halle St. Gallen