Publication 2010


The publication of the Sommerakademie 2010, guest curated by Jan Verwoert, analyses the topic of collaborative practice in the arts, a current theme under continued discussion. What has until now hardly ever been addressed is the practical level on which the question of how to come together, how to deal with authority and high expectations arises. This practical question is always one of organisation, politics, dynamics and the humour one engages with when setting up structures together.

The result is a publication in the form of a user manual. The manual is the literature of practice that is most familiar to users because it is part of a practical process (setting up devices …). That manual is at hand whenever one needs it.

Published by Sommerakademie im Zentrum Paul Klee, Edited by Jan Verwoert (Guest Curator Sommerakademie 2010), Layout by Stuart Bailey (Speaker Sommerakademie 2010), Cover Image by Frances Stark (Speaker Sommerakademie 2010)

Texts by Jan Verwoert and Stuart Bailey
2010, Leporello, available in English.